Photo: BCZ0376 (Yahtzee)
The Canadian Pacific Humpback Collaboration (CPHC) catalogues Humpback Whales off the coast of British Columbia.
The CPHC’s centralized catalogue and database of individual Humpback Whales enable understanding of the whales’ habitat use, behaviours, population size and structure, life histories, and the impacts of threats like vessel strike and entanglement.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) maintained a province-wide catalogue of Humpback Whales off Canada’s Pacific Coast up to 2010. Members of the CPHC were among those who contributed data to DFO and ensured cataloguing of Humpbacks continued beyond 2010. The work of the CPHC is supported by DFO.
The efforts of the CPHC have informed research beyond British Columbia, including the reassessment of North Pacific Humpbacks by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) and publications related to the collaborative effort to study Humpbacks across the North Pacific via Happywhale.
Members of the Collaboration are the Marine Education and Research Society (coordinators of the CPHC), North Coast Cetacean Society, Pacific WildLife Foundation, Ocean Wise Conservation Association, Humpback Whales of the Salish Sea, Keta Coastal Conservation, and Whales of Clayoquot and Barkley.
We are fortunate to be able to learn in the unceded Territories of coastal First Nations.